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Smudge has been working on a new story, Lumeria's Hive.

Lumeria's fate was sealed at the age of ten when her and her brothers were kidnapped by a hive of monsters. Now, long after their rescue, they are all discovering that those monsters did more than just take them from their homes. Visions of past and future collide as Lumeria desperately tries to change her fate into the destiny of an Empire.

While it's still in the early stages, she has been busily working on prose and character designs. Since this is all early development work, it has yet to be released for public consumption.

If you wanna check out her progress, first drafts and insights into smudge's creation process, head over to her Patreon were, for as little as $1.00 a month, you can see all the goodies!

You can also subscribe here at for the same amount and get the prose first drafts as they are released on a weekly basis, along with larger images in the archives for other comic and story work.