The Keeper’s Warrior Now for Sale

The Keeper's Warrior Cover
Woot! 'The Keeper's Warrior' is now available for sale!
Published by our good friend over at Fox Den, this book is now at Amazon, Barns & Noble, iBooks, and Lulu with other outlets slowly coming online, in both physical and ebook versions.
The Long Road is long indeed.
But even the most traveled of rolling stones needs a respite. And that's exactly what Warrior, a half-Elf sell-sword, finds when he stumbles into the seaside village of Echo Cove. It is there that he gains a renewed faith in his Goddess Euseeda, a quiet, deep-trusting friendship with the shrine's Keeper, and a chance to rectify the worst, most devastating blunder that he has ever committed.
Physical -
88 pages, Black & White, Perfect-bound Novella Trade PaperbackeBook -
ePub, 4.05 MB
Retailers, interested in some copies via wholesale? Drop us a line and we'll get you pointed in the right direction.
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