The Keeper's Warrior - Illo 6
Warrior sits and talks with the Wavespeaker, Head Priestess of the temple of Tempest. And yes, she really is that tiny. Doesn't help he isn't exactly small.
This is the last illo that I'll be LiveStreaming. Mostly because I feel the last three pics will be spoilers, and that just ain't cool. ^.^
I still have no idea what to do for a cover. Don't know if I'll be able to stream that or not since I'm unsure on wither to do it with my traditional watercolors or digitally. While I can stream my desktop just fine, I don't currently have the equipment (ie. web-cam) to do so for more traditional work. I figure I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Oh ~ and here's something for discussion: I am looking for ideas for getto advertizing for this novella. If you got any ideas - post them here! Thank!
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