If you’ve ever wondered how I use colored pencil, marker pens, and other media to create pictures like this one of Applejack called “Cooling Off”. Then join me tonight 2/3/18 starting at 5:30pm Pacific on Picarto. See you there!
Posts Tagged MLP
Another drawing from my last Picarto stream. There was a request for Princess Luna as a sea pony. This was very advantageous since I there is an upcoming Equestria dreamscape arc where Luna and Applebloom end up in an underwater[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Even though I draw almost 8+ hours a day it is usually for some work related project. Even if it is to get dreamscape postings up, I consider that part of my professional obligation to my patrons, clients and supporters.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Saturday 10/14/17 starting at 5:30pm Pacific I am proud to have Jaya King back on my Picarto stream demonstrating her encaustic wax painting technique. It’s an ancient art method of melting bees wax, color pigment and damar resin and applying[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A patron reward for that I did during last nights Picarto stream. It’s a anthro version of Vinyl Scratch from the IDW comic Mirror Universe story line. I only had an hour to crank this piece out so I played[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…