Over the last twenty years I have spoken with my friends on dozens of panels at conventions on wide variety of topics ranging art technique to esoteric facets of world-building for fiction. For the most part these panels have been well received by the audience; well now Dave Bryant and myself are thinking about starting our own podcast.
The podcast would be a once a month affair and would be no more than one hour in length. While the main focus would be on world-building for fictional worlds, other topics are suitable for discussion. In fact both Dave and I would be interested in soliciting topics for episodes from our watchers and fans, of course we would decide which topics we wished to discuss and we’d want the program to be something that would be suitable all ages. Also before we release the first episode we wish to record several months of broadcasts first so we have a reserve/ cushion in case life decides to interrupt or recording schedule. Finally we will want to do research and fact checking before we open our mouths and stick our feet in them. Does this sound like something folks would be interested in? If so please send your ideas for possible topics to us.