The Tyranny of Choice
So now that 'To Kill a Dragon' is in the can, I now contemplate what my next project will be. Only problem is, now that I'm not consumed in a project, ALL my other ones are scrambling for attention... at the same time. Including a new one, something I told myself I wasn't going to do. Thanks, brain.
Right now, I'm trying to sit down and organize the different stories: outlining basic arcs, getting characters ironed out so I know the different casts I'm dealing with, and trying to take a long look at the media each of the stories wants to exist in. As such - my art production is mostly going to be super-rough pencil sketches and semi-random doodles that probably will only make sense to me for a while.
In the meantime - here's what I've been poking at for a bit; Character designs for the new story I told myself I wasn't going to do. Tentatively titled "A Song for the Earth and Rain", it's a Romeo and Juliette style love story set in a fantasy Far-East.
This is Gau (Farwalker), an Elf and main character. He's a long traveled merchant who ends up in the orient ala Marco Polo. Since doing this, he has told me that he also dances Ballet, but thinks he's no good at it and keeps it more as a hobby.
Do note, his "not that good at it" is kind of like someone who just missed the cut at the Royal Ballet saying they are "not that good". We all wish we were "not that good." ~.~
Design is totally NOT final. Not sold yet on the Tudor fashion, but I really like the concept of the cod piece as part of his native dress.