It's no joke. Today April 1st I'll be streaming Picarto. So tune in for art and great times starting at 5:30pm PDT!
Yep! You can watch a fool live on the air this Saturday April 1st starting at 5:30pm Pacific on Picarto . So join me for an evening of art and fun! Hope you can make it.
Tonight starting at 5:30pm PDT I will be streaming once again on Picarto. Tonight I'll be working on some of my Patreon rewards for my patrons, so join me for an evening of art, stories, and good times. Hope to see you there!
It's that time of year again - the annual 'make Smudge's wallet weep' time as I spend money expanding my little garden.
Over Christmas a friend gave me some sweet raised planter boxes that are going to be a god-send for my back.
Yay - now I need to fill them.
My plans this year -
1 Mint per Baron's request.
and Lettuce, Roman and something else that looks to be more of a bitter green
I am trying lettuce, as a quick turn around crop. I always hear people talk as if lettuce being grown year round, but the nursery lady said it was a purely winter crop? I know Kale is, but Roman? I R confused. But I've been wanting to try a lettuce bed for ages so I jumped on for the experiment.
Tomorrow I put in the tomatoes. Had to go get new, larger pots and a new cage for them since the planters aren't nearly deep enough. Cages are set to go. And I'm moving them into a different area in hopes that they will get more morning lite and less afternoon beat-down. Here's hoping for no more sun-scalding.
All said in done. My wallet took one for the team.... and I don't even have most of the planters filled. ^.^;
Wonder what else I should try?