Today an amazing TV Series that has touched, inspired, and connected so many of us will come to an end. Back at the beginning of 2011 if you had told me I would fall in love with magical, talking ponies I would've told you that you were crazy. However by the end of 2011 Friendship is Magic had become a part of my life. Not just in the waking world but in my dreamscapes as well.
I have been involved in various fandoms since 1989 but the Brony fandom has been something special to me. The community that has grown out of this show has made me proud to be part of it, and I have no plans to leave it or letting it wither away. Yes it undoubtedly shrink some in the future, but I feel its many creative members will continue generate more amazing content in the future. I look forward to seeing what this community's many creative members do next.
I've posted this piece of Derpy because it was the very first picture I did on a stream back in October of 2012. At that time I did not have my own channel and instead I appeared on Episode 26 of Dusty Katt's own stream Stay Brony, My Friend which was on EverFree Radio at the time. To this day I feel that stream opened a door that helped me connect with many fans, and helped contribute toward me finally being able to quit my day job in 2015 and go freelance illustrator full-time.
Tomorrow 10/13/19 starting at 4:30pm Pacific I will be streaming on my Picarto channel. I hope you can make it.