Sorry for things being so quite here. Just so many sites to keep updated really wears you down. Trying to fix that, though. Expect some changes here in the future. ^.^
One of the things that has changed is that the user/production pages at WithoutaBox have gone away to merge with IMDb. So that got me looking into other blog/production options. Didn't really find any, but I did find something more useful -
In my constant flay-lings at trying to finish many of my animation project, the one thing I've discovered is... I can't do it all.
Suddenly stumbling across something in a production that I can't do is like hitting a huge brick wall at 30 miles an hour, that you never saw coming. And when I hit that brick wall, I have no were to turn to. At lest until now.
In my wondering today, I've stumbled across a site that specializes in connecting people together to work on film projects from around the world on an volunteer basis. So I figured I'd give that a try, starting with Longing for Home.
I posted my need for a tree model and a star-field mat painting there and see what develops. ^.^
If you wanna check it out and see how Longing for Home is developing, please feel free!
Cross-your fingers.