Been slowly uploading different things to make into products folks might like. So far, this is what I've got available around different corners of the web -

On Zazzle -
Little Running Wolf - T-Shirts, Keychains, Mugs, and Tote bags
Zeke - Mug
Runaway! - Mug, Mousepads

Prints on DA-
Sebastian-Phalloide portrait
Charging Forth
Mawkeya & Hops
Hey Sebastian, can you get the campfire going?
Light a Candle
Fox Surprise
Walking the Path of Ancestors
Bookbinder's Apprentice
Rose in Pearls

More stuff coming soon.

This time around, instead of putting everything on everything (which is what we did with BackBreaker), I'm trying for more a "This image really good good on these items," kind of thing. Also - if there's something your really want from my back-stock that you don't see here - speak up and I'll add it.

I really need to make a better logo for myself...