Mage: The Fawn won the Dwarven Drinking Contest!? Fighter: No wonder he’s been turning green. Fawn: Baah!* (Championship round; BRING IT!) — So We Love Fine is running yet another T-shirt contest. This time with the Dungeons and Dragons Neverwinter[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for Smudge’s Art
Mage: So, is it a real chest, or a mimic? Rogue: I’m not sticking my hand in there to find out. That’s the Tank’s job! Fighter: *le sigh* — So We Love Fine is running yet another T-shirt contest. This[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I call him… “Richard”. — So We Love Fine is running yet another T-shirt contest. This time with the Dungeons and Dragons Neverwinter MMO (which I play). I’ve had some cartoon ideas rolling around my head for a bit and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
To Kill a Dragon cover 4
Nadine is on a MISSION! And poor Betsy is being treated like a motorcycle. I’m really pleased on how this cover came out as a whole. Issue 4 is nearly in the can and I hope to have it uploaded[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Getting close to releasing issue #3 of ‘To Kill a Dragon’. Here’s the cover image to prove it. ^.^ Sorry I’ve been so quite as of late. Usually when I drop off it’s because I’m either dealing with RL drama,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…