The most awesome skilled character designer, Sue Nichols-Maciorowski needs help in fighting cancer. I was real lucky to have Sue as an instructor at CalArts. I remember her as this warm, bubbling, infectious personalty with awesome-mad skills. Hearing her fight[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for Smudge’s Journal
This week is full of art management stuff. This weekend Baron opened (then promptly closed) for commission work, leaving me to organize it. Weee! We have got to set up a form or something for commissions – Barons spending way[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
To Kill a Dragon #2 Written by: Christina “Smudge” Hanson Art by: Christina “Smudge” Hanson Price: $0.99 Market Day has come! Nadine and Benard take their mute charge into town to see if they can reunite him with his people.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Tyranny of Choice
So now that ‘To Kill a Dragon’ is in the can, I now contemplate what my next project will be. Only problem is, now that I’m not consumed in a project, ALL my other ones are scrambling for attention… at[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
To Kill a Dragon cover 4
Nadine is on a MISSION! And poor Betsy is being treated like a motorcycle. I’m really pleased on how this cover came out as a whole. Issue 4 is nearly in the can and I hope to have it uploaded[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…