I should pay more attention to this site shouldn’t I? Poking at the idea of using DA’s print service. Starting with the Bookbinder’s Apprentice, one of my personal favorites. More to come… once I get off my lazy ass.
Archive for News & Reviews
Furrlough Color Special
Whoohoo! my part of the Furrlough Color special is in there hands and at the press. When it hits the stores, please take a look. *happy*
Slowly, but surely. I still have a little work to do on Adventures of Blanc. Mostly getting the manger back end up and going. Once that’s done, I can re-establish the vote codes then come back to working on this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Well, after a couple of sleepless nights, Adventures of Blanc is now back on track. The archives are now fully loaded and I’ve made the site look ‘pretty’. Might tweek a little more later, but the meat is there and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Obviuosly, I’m going to need a sepreat install of WordPress/Comic press for my personal site and Advetures of Blanc. Still working….