Even though I draw almost 8+ hours a day it is usually for some work related project. Even if it is to get dreamscape postings up, I consider that part of my professional obligation to my patrons, clients and supporters.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for News & Reviews
With the Holidays behind us join me this Saturday 1/6/18 on Picarto starting at 5:30pm Pacific. So join me for an evening of art, stories, and some really great folks. See you there!
Smudge is still sick with this sinus infection. Her yearly curse. While she is, slowly, feeling better, her windpipe is still a gravel pit. So, no art stream tonight. Will try and aim for 2 weeks from now: Jan. 12th.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Just a heads up if anyone is interested, Smudge going to be streaming in 1/2 hour from now (5:15 PST). will probably go til about 8 or 9 pm tonight. Come join me as I work on some anime fan[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today 12/9/17 starting at 5:30pm Pacific I’m streaming on Picarto. Join me for art, stories, and some great company. The fun starts at 5:30pm see you there! I hope you like what you see. Please help make more art like[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…