Whats In A Name by smudge on March 8, 2009 at 12:00 am Chapter: The Adventures of Blanc Yippy - another update. Maybe I can get back on track... o.0 └ Tags: Blanc, Blondiewood, Dunain Related Comics ¬ Tinker Town Dock Fishing Raining Spam Professions The Quest Continues: Faking It
Yay! I hope you can too. It’s always a pleasure to see a new Blanc =)
Keep updating weekly, and I’ll give you some of my Black and White chocolate chip cookies. =D (With macadamia nuts!)
I do love this comic. :]
Blondie *does* get better….
Well, better dressed anyway.
How many players have we all met, who fit the “Blondiewood” description?
Hmmm….. I’ve met at least 5…
Let’s hear your accounts people!
man u R a lazy updater … comic’s good. update more.
Someone asking me why I was still on a regular mount at 60. Couldn’t possibly be a money issue, could it?
Or someone cursing me out for not replying when I was AFK.
Oh, Blondiewoods of the world.
Love the updates, looking forward to more~
Epic and i almost gave up. im sorry for my lack of faith /sob
Blonde is not a color. It is a state of miind.
Glad to see updates comin’ again! Love the great work, keep it up!
Yaay! I’m so happy you’re updating again! I love Blanc, and am very much looking forward to the continuing story! Keep up the great work! 😀
i just started reading it and finished in about a half an hour the comic is great keep up the good work …..:)
I agree with Happy Turtle on this one.