The Holy Trinity
Asc, you brought this on yourself.
Still having technical issues with my computer system. Happy, joy. NOT. Will be limping along until I can get some upgrades. My main website is still down for the count atm.
Life goes on.
Asc, you brought this on yourself.
Still having technical issues with my computer system. Happy, joy. NOT. Will be limping along until I can get some upgrades. My main website is still down for the count atm.
Life goes on.
OH, god…You DO realize that the 4th panel was my attitude all the way up to the point where we started doing 10 man raids? ALl I ever asked for was me and a tank, and occasionally a DPS to make things EASY.
Ah. That’s my job. Easy-maker.
heh- true – but this is Noob time and you don’t know us that well yet. I miss our three-man all DK runs. those were fun. ^.^
When do you update? Just started reading and caught up to lastest. <3 it. So…. update days?
Due to RL (I’m really busy right now with a job), I tend to update when I update. Ya, I know horrid answer.
I know it’s been a while but it’s hard to draw with my current job since it’s beating on my hand something fierce and at the end of the day it’s so swollen that I can’t do much else. However, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for work and once it’s done I’ll be back to updating AoB, all-be-it still sporadically.
Thanks for fast Reply, and awesome. Just wanted to know if you died or something. Update when you can =D
These comics are fun and we are all wondering how this group is going to finish forming out =)
Hope your RL activities allow you to focus on your real priorities….ENTERTAINING US!!!!
Lol! Working on it. ^.^
I lost you in the great harddrive crash of ’08 and following random links while debating continuing with Everquest or going back to WoW or just being an addict and playing both.. I FOUND YOU!
It was the bunny that landed me here the first time.. It was the bunny that kept me. Love the comic and humour. π
My birthday is sat.! 19 years =D It would be awesome if you updated as a present =D
Is there any chance Blanc gets printed or are perhaps some of the pinups purchasable as poster?
Do you update anymore? I just started reading, and caught up, and love it. π
Not at the moment – my hand has been really bad all year so I haven’t been doing any art at all. I’ve working at the computer just long enough to do my day job in an attempt to distress my hand enough to draw again. That means I haven’t been able to login to WoW for ages now either. I am hoping to return to Blanc and my other projects when my hand/arm is feeling better. But I am almost at the point of biting the bullet and seeing another physical therapist again to get this all straightened out.
Sorry this isn’t much of an answer. T-T
Are you still doing this? It’s 2011, and I just learned about this comic about an hour ago. Yes, I read through the whole thing. No, I don’t have a life. :/ It’s summer, lives are now optional! Just curious, because I really like this comic. Thank you!
Hey there – Glad you like Blanc. He’s happy about it too. ATM Blanc is on Hiatus and will be for some time, due to an overloaded work plate. Heck I haven’t been on WoW that much for a while. Too much work! @.@
But I do hope to get back To Blanc, Dunain and Co. One day. Someday. T-T
I’m just curious, but are there plans for Blanc and the holy trinitys descent/ascent into hell/heaven?
You would not happen to have your banner with the bunny and the writing (Blame the bunny it’s all his fault anyway) without the AoB logo?
Thanks in advance, even if you don’t or just don’t want it spread π
So… Still in Hiatus? I just found this two hours ago and I think I’m in love. With the bunny.
I miss Blanche π
So many years later.